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Tim's A-Z Recipes

Resources for creating your own Culinary Masterpieces.

Cutting Boards
Cutting Boards

​Our Story

In 3rd Grade, Tim received a Chef's Hat and Apron from his Mom for Christmas. He loved to help his Dad cook Family Meals on the Grill, and add his signature sauces.

Fast forward many years, where Tim found himself a single Dad. Aside from the Sporting Events, Dance Recitals, and School Plays, the hardest part was creating desirable and nutritious home-cooked meals. That's when Tim's A-Z Recipes™ was born.  #TimCooks #TimsAZ

Our Mission

Food is a top priority. What goes in the mouth affects every aspect of life. Mood, Functionality, and Organ Health are all determined by what you and your family consumes.

Corporations spend Billions in marketing annually trying to convince you how convenient it is to just spin through the Drive Thru, or grab Heat and Eat meals wrapped in appealing packages from the grocery store. Until you start reading the labels. The preservative levels are often through the roof, and many contain actual poisons and additives which may create food addictions.

Home-cooked meals don't have to be boring and tasteless, you just need a little inspiration and resources. Our focus is to help your culinary journey be Fun, Flavorful, and Rewarding. No matter what your skill level, enjoy creating your own Culinary Masterpieces.